Saturday 14 July 2012

100 cute facts about One Direction!!

Zayn Malik - Warning it's HOT!

Harry Styles dancing - Candy Shop

Zayn Malik Dancing

Wednesday 4 July 2012

World's Heaviest Baby Born,

An Indonesian woman has given birth to the heaviest baby ever born in the country, a boy weighing in at an eye-watering 19lbs. We take a look at some of the other extreme sizes and shapes the human body can reach.

Heaviest baby ever

Sadly, the heaviest baby ever born, in January 1979 in Ohio, USA, died after just 11 hours. The boy weighed 23lb 12oz. His Canadian mother, Anna Bates, was herself was an unusual woman at 7ft 5in tall.

The heaviest surviving newborn seems to have been a 22lb 8oz boy born to one Carmelina Fedele in Aversa, Italy, in September 1955.

World's Lightest baby ever
Of course, babies are often born prematurely, and before a certain point they are unlikely to survive. But the lightest baby to have survived was Amillia Taylor, who weighed just 10oz – less than a thirtieth of the weight of the Indonesian newborn.
Amillia was born after just 21 weeks and six days in the womb in February 2007 in Miami, Florida, to parents Sonja and William.
World's Heaviest man ever
Jon Brower Minnoch, of Bainbridge Island, Washington, is believed to have been the heaviest man ever to have lived, weighing an estimated 1,400lb or 100 stone – well over half a ton. This is only an approximation as his size meant it was impossible to get him on a scale.
Married with two children, he was also the holder of two other records: greatest weight loss (924lb – almost two-thirds of his body weight); and greatest difference in weight in a married couple, with his wife Jeanette. Jeanette weighed just 110lb (eight stone) – less than 1/12th the weight of her husband. Mr Minnoch died in 1983, aged 42.
The heaviest living man was believed to be Manuel Uribe of Mexico, until he lost more than half his bodyweight following gastric bypass surgery.
World's Heaviest woman ever
Carol Yager of Beecher, Michigan, was the heaviest woman ever to have lived, peaking at 545kg (1,200lb, or 85.8 stone). She also achieved the greatest non-surgical weight loss, losing 520lb in three months. She died in 2006, aged 34.
World's Tallest man ever
Robert Wadlow of Alton, Illinois, measured 8ft 11in at his death aged 22. A pituitary gland problem had given him unusually high levels of human growth hormone, and he was still growing when he died from an infection caused by a faulty leg brace, which he required to walk.
He was known as the “Alton Giant”, and is buried in a half-ton coffin.
World's Tallest living man
Sultan Kosen, of Mardin, Turkey, born in 1983, is the world’s tallest living man according to Guinness World Records. He is 8ft 1in tall. He also has the world’s largest hands.
World's Tallest woman ever
Trijntje Keever, of Edam in the Netherlands, was 8ft 4in tall at her death aged 17 in 1633. She was 6ft 7 at the age of nine and was visited by Frederick V, King of Bohemia, who was curious about the “nine-year-old girl taller than every man in Europe.”
World's Tallest living woman
Believed to be Yao Defen of Anhui Province, China, although the Guinness Book of World Records has not confirmed this. She is 37 years old, and said to be 7ft 8in tall.
World's Shortest man ever
Gul Mohammed, of New Delhi, is the shortest adult human being ever, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. He stood just 1ft 10in. He died, aged 40, of respiratory problems brought on by heavy smoking.
World's Lightest woman ever
Lucia Zarate, of San Carlos, Mexico, is said by the Guinness Book of Records to have been the lightest woman ever, at just 4.7lb, and one of the shortest at 21.5 inches tall. Her calf was barely thicker than the average adult male’s thumb.
She died of hypothermia when her circus train became stranded in snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in 1890.

World’s Biggest Soccer Ball Sculpture set Guinness Records..........

The soccer ball sculpture that had been constructed at Telkom’s Lukasrand tower, in Pretoria, has set a Guinness World Record in the ‘largest football sculpture’ category, while a second similar structure at Telkom’s Hillbrow tower, in Johannesburg, was under construction.

The 50-t structure in Pretoria was constructed out of fibreglass shells that were mounted on and supported by steel frames on the inside. It measures about 24 m in diameter and is eight storeys high, making it larger than any structure of its kind in South Africa and on the African continent, the fixed-line operator said on Thursday.

“As a national supporter of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Telkom is confident that this initiative will engender greater public support and excitement ahead of this year’s final draw on December 4, in Cape Town, and the world’s largest football showpiece to be hosted in South Africa next year,” Telkom Group CEO Reuben September commented.

The operator had consulted the South African National Defence Force, the Civil Aviation Authority, the South African National Roads Agency, the Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment and resident’s associations, about the project before the start of construction.

FIFA and the City of Tshwane had also contributed to the approval of all design plans for the structure, Telkom said.

Construction had started in December and was completed by mid-September.

Telkom Group executive for multinational customers Thami Magazi noted that the operator had now joined the ranks of other well known brands that have lit up the skies of Las Vegas, London and New York by branding telecommunications’ towers.

Meanwhile, the structure being built at Telkom’s Hillbrow tower would be completed by the end of the year.

“By creating a large visual spectacle at the pinnacle of the Lukasrand and Hillbrow towers, Telkom is offering every citizen of, and visitor to Gauteng, an opportunity to share in the soccer frenzy that’s starting to envelop our country,” Magazi said.

He added that all materials used in the construction of the structures were recyclable and that the operator would, when the structures are eventually removed, look at ways in which these materials could be used to benefit disadvantaged communities.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Top 5 gadgets 2012..........

So, that was 2011. Well, OK, it's not over yet, and many people will no doubt be hoping for one of this year's best gadgets for Christmas, but for big, game-changing releases, we've already moved on to looking at 2012 now.
In some ways, we're reminded of the excitement during the build up to the 2012 gadget season, but everything's bigger and flashier. Where once we were waiting on the influx of dual-core tablets, now we're looking at a quad-core revolution on the horizon. We were looking forward to Android 3.0 and Google's Chrome OS, but now we're clamouring for Android 4.0 and Windows 8.
Gaming also looks set to have a bumper year, with new consoles and technologies coming, and this is all before we get the usual raft of awesome announcements at CES 2012 in January.
Here's our pick of the 10 we're most excited about so far.

1. Amazon Kindle Fire...

You might wonder what this is doing at the top of our list when it's quite clearly already out - heck, we've even already got an Amazon Kindle Fire review on TechRadar. But it's only out in the USA so far, so for the UK and the rest of the world, it remains a gadget for 2012.
So what's got us so excited about the Kindle Fire? Our review called it "a brilliant media consumption device that doesn't break the bank", making it "perhaps the best gadget bargain of this era".
We'll be interested to see what video streaming options and other content it launches with outside of the US, and it'll be fascinating to see if it spurs tablet adoption with its relatively tiny price.

2. Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime...

This is where tablets really start to grow up when it comes to horsepower. The Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime is the first Nvidia Tegra 3 tablet, which means quad-core processing and amazing graphics performance for a portable device. Somehow, it's also unbelievably thin and light, and comes in a bundle with keyboard dock for typing on the go.
Our Eee Pad Transformer Prime review found that it had good battery life, a great screen and amazing performance, especially for games. It's probably going to be just the first step in what's to come for Tegra 3 tablets in 2012, but it'll be a hell of a way to start the year when it's released in January.

3. Wii U...

There's no doubt the Wii sparked a motion-control revolution when it launched, with all three major consoles now sporting some sort of wavy-arm option. However, despite phenomenal sales for much of its life, it isn't still banging out the hit games in the way the Xbox and PS3 are.
Enter the Wii U, then. The Wii's successor looks set to be a powerful HD console, offering 1080p output and 3D support, with yet another interesting new controller. The Wii U comes with a kind of small tablet - a controller with all the usual buttons, but a touchscreen in the middle as well. The touchscreen can be used to control games, or you can actually play the game on that screen, leaving your TV free for Masterchef.
Nintendo-quality games, awesome HD graphics, support from lots of third-party games developers, and a handy way to play in any room in your house? Count us in.

4. Windows 8 tablets...

There are still a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to Windows 8 tablets, but the information is starting to come out, and there's no doubt Microsoft is prepared to make a real go of this tablet malarkey.
Windows 8 will use a Metro interface that's much like Windows Phone 7 for when it's used on touch devices, with separate Metro apps. It will support ARM processors, such as Tegra 3, as well, which means manufacturers have options for the hardware they include.
Whether the addition of a new touch interface on top of the traditional Windows look will entice developers and customers is hard to say, but it seems to have the manufacturers on board, and we'll be able to see more when the public beta arrives early next year. If Microsoft pulls it off, it may suddenly become a big mobile player again.

5. Apple's 2012 tablet...

We could fill this article with what Apple's supposedly got in the works for next year, but since they're all officially fictional until the moment Tim Cook walks on stage and reveals them to the world, let's not get too wrapped up in them. Rumours of an iPad 3 with a Retina display are stronger than ever, and it's fair to say that we'd be drooling all over a tablet with a screen as highly detailed as the iPhone 4S's.
iPhone 5 rumours persist too, though at this point we suspect it'll be called something else, since it won't be the fifth iPhone. A thinner design with a larger, possibly edge-to-edge, screen is supposedly the order of the day, which will be unusual, but we'd love to see if Apple can pull it off...............

Facts and Information About Dogs and Puppies.....

The most popular pets are without doubt dogs  Man's best friend! Man's passion and pride in his dog led to the desire to show his dog and compare it to similar dog breeds. The organised dog shows were therefore born in the middle of the 19th Century. Organisation was required - descriptions and breed standards were needed - First Dog Fact - the Kennel Clubs were born! To avoid confusion the Kennel Clubs gave Dogs recognised names and classified them into various groups. 

Statistics and Facts about Dogs and Puppies...

The US Census reveals some interesting figures in relation to dogs:
  • There are approximately 68,000,000 owned dogs in the US
  • Approximately 1 in 3 households keep dogs as pets
  • 36% of homes have dogs
  • 85% of dogs visit an animal doctor in a year

Monday 2 July 2012

Top 100 Videogames of All Time..

1. The Legend of Zelda (NES, 1987)
2. Super Mario Bros. (NES, 1985)
3. Tetris (PC, 1984)
4. Grand Theft Auto III (PS2, 2001)
5. Half-Life 2 (PC, 2004)
6. Doom (PC, 1993)
7. Metroid (NES, 1986)
8. Final Fantasy III (SNES, 1994)
9. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES, 1990)
10. Ms. Pac-Man (Coin-op, 1981)
11. World of Warcraft (PC, 2004)
12. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES, 1992)
13. Super Mario 64 (N64, 1996)
14. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3/360/PC, 2007)
15. Final Fantasy VII (PS, 1997)
16. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! (NES, 1987)
17. Chrono Trigger (SNES, 1995)
18. Resident Evil 4 (GameCube, 2005)
19. Metal Gear Solid (PS, 1998)
20. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64, 1998)

21. Super Metroid (SNES, 1994)
22. Contra (NES, 1988)
23. Galaga (Coin-op, 1981)
24. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS, 1997)
25. Street Fighter II (Coin-op, 1991)
26. God of War (PS2, 2005)
27. BioShock (360/PC, 2007)
28. Diablo II (PC, 2000)
29. Half-Life (PC, 1998)
30. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivious (360/PC, 2006)
31. Tecmo Super Bowl (NES, 1991)
32. GoldenEye 007 (N64, 1997)
33. Super Mario Kart (SNES, 1992)
34. Sonic the Hedgehog (SEGA Genesis, 1991)
35. Starcraft (PC, 1998)
36. Civilization (PC, 1991)
37. SimCity (PC, 1989)
38. Mega Man 2 (NES, 1988)
39. Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox, 2001)
40. Gran Turismo (PS, 1998)
41. Resident Evil 2 (PS, 1998)
42. Pokemon Red and Blue (GB, 1996)
43. Final Fantasy X (PS2, 2001)
44. EverQuest (PC, 1999)
45. Final Fantasy Tactics (PS, 1998)
46. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3/360, 2008)
47. Super Mario World (SNES, 1991)
48. Deus Ex (PC, 2000)
49. Guitar Hero (PS2, 2005)
50. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2, 2001)
51. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, 2007)
52. Pac-Man (Coin-op, 1980)
53. Battlefield 2 (PC, 2005)
54. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox, 2003)
55. Ico (PS2, 2001)
56. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3, 2009)
57. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 (PS, 2000)
58. Mass Effect (360, 2007)
59. Adventure (2600, 1980)
60. Arkanoid (Coin-op, 1986)
61. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (GB, 1993)
62. Star Wars: X-Wing (PC, 1993)
63. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (N64, 2000)
64. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2, 2004)
65. Fallout 3 (PS3/360/PC, 2008)
66. Zork (PC, 1980)
67. Soul Calibur (DC, 1999)
68. Double Dragon (Coin-op, 1987)
69. Dr. Mario (NES, 1990)
70. The Sims (PC, 2000)
71. Age of Empires (PC, 1997)
72. Mortal Kombat II (Coin-op, 1993)
73. Rock Band 2 (PS3/360, 2008)
74. Tomb Raider (PS, 1996)
75. Super Bomberman (SNES, 1993)
76. Mario’s Picross (GB, 1995)
77. Ninja Gaiden (NES, 1989)
78. Command & Conquer (PC, 1995)
79. Kingdom Hearts (PS2, 2002)
80. Final Fantasy II (SNES, 1991)
81. Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES, 1988)
82. Left 4 Dead (PC, 2008)
83. Okami (PS2, 2006)
84. Shadow of the Colossus (PS2, 2005)
85. Metroid Prime (GameCube, 2002)
86. Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube, 2001)
87. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (PC, 1995)
88. Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn (PC, 2000)
89. God of War II (PS2, 2007)
90. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii, 2006)
91. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2, 2004)
92. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (PC, 2002)
93. Skies of Arcadia (DC, 2000)
94. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GameCube, 2003)
95. Silent Hill 2 (PS2, 2001)
96. Counter-Strike (PC, 1999)
97. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (SEGA Genesis, 1992)
98. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS3/360, 2009)
99. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PS2/Xbox/GameCube/PC, 2003)
100. Portal (PC/360, 2007)

In my mind, this is the most thought out, well done list ive ever seen. 

In my opinion, this seems to me of the "most influential" games list than an actual best of all time list.

Is this list fair? do you agree with the top 20? lets hear what you have to say, because personally i don't see how Resident Evil 4 beat out RE2