Tuesday 3 July 2012

Facts and Information About Dogs and Puppies.....

The most popular pets are without doubt dogs  Man's best friend! Man's passion and pride in his dog led to the desire to show his dog and compare it to similar dog breeds. The organised dog shows were therefore born in the middle of the 19th Century. Organisation was required - descriptions and breed standards were needed - First Dog Fact - the Kennel Clubs were born! To avoid confusion the Kennel Clubs gave Dogs recognised names and classified them into various groups. 

Statistics and Facts about Dogs and Puppies...

The US Census reveals some interesting figures in relation to dogs:
  • There are approximately 68,000,000 owned dogs in the US
  • Approximately 1 in 3 households keep dogs as pets
  • 36% of homes have dogs
  • 85% of dogs visit an animal doctor in a year

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